Helga Rieder - Box 39, Site 9, RR 2 Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 2X2
Phone (780) 986-4425 - Fax (780) 438-2415
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Over the past 15 years this farm has bred outstanding Morgans, which have been winning top honors in the Western Provinces and the U.S.
Our mission is to produce quality Morgan blood lines and enhance the standard of show horses for years to come.
Our horses are offsprings from champions such as:
- Tedwin Topic
- Will Power
- Mt. Laurel Maximillian
- Season's Forever French
- Born To Boogie
Helga Rieder - Box 39, Site 9, RR 2 Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 2X2
Phone (780) 946-4425 - Fax (780) 438-2415
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